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December 2013

Merry Christmas! May this be your best Christmas ever. It will be my 45th one in prison but I’m praising God with the host of heaven, shouting, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” 1

What Pleases God?

Many of us have lived our lives being a man pleaser. I know I was one. This is the way I received my acceptance and identity, but it was never enough to satisfy my deepest need.

So naturally, when I asked Christ into my heart, I tried hard to please God with good works. But I found out that I could never do enough to please God religiously, no matter how much I prayed, read His word or went to church.

Finally, the LORD showed me that only Jesus, His Son, could please God for us through His sacrifice on the cross for our sin. “For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.2

Faith Pleases God…

We make it so complicated, but it really is simple to please God. We try hard, but the LORD wants us to simply trust in His finished works at the cross.

Jesus made it possible for us to please God. According to Scripture, we can only please God by faith in Christ.

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November 2013

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! This month in America, we celebrate Thanksgiving, that is, giving thanks for everything in our lives, because “…we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” 1


As my Christian brother Bill was transferring recently to a prison hospital to die, I shouted to him, “see you in heaven!” Another man overheard me and asked “Did you tell him you’d see him in heaven?” At first I thought he may be questioning my salvation, but it turns out that he wasn’t sure he’d go to heaven.

Let me ask you, “Have you come to a place in your thinking where you know for sure that went you die you will go to heaven?” If you are not sure, you should be concerned, but I have some great news. You can be sure of your salvation.

A better question might be: “Suppose that you were to die tonight and stand before God, and He were to say to you, ‘Why should I let you into my heaven?” There is only one correct answer to this question and it has nothing to do with your good works. It’s all about Jesus.

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October 2013

Welcome! We are so very thankful for all the praise reports as a result of my e-books (on iTunesAmazonBarnes and Noble, and Google), and the website outreach. “That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.” 1

Warped Beliefs…

Everyone believes in something or someone to help deal with the pain and anguish of life. For help, some turn to drugs, such as alcohol, marijuana, prescription pills or even harder drugs, and other medicate their pain with food, shopping or illicit sex. We believe these vices will help stop the pain.

Though most of us believe in God, few of us turn to him in time of need, until it is a life or death situation. The problem for us is simply unbelief.

“Satan, who is the god [little “g”] of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.”2

For us to succumb to the gods of this world not only shows our blindness and unbelief, but our irresponsibility to God and family. As a result, we suffer ruin, defeat and failure, with no energy, stamina or control under stress. Jesus said, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” 3 This means, be courageous, Jesus has provided you the victory. That’s a promise!

Read more …October 2013

September 2013

Welcome! God loves both sinners and saints. The knowledge of God’s love is the healing balm for everyone who believes and receives His love. “God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were sinner, Christ dived for us.”1

Jesus Loves Sinners…

The LORD is calling you. He is asking you to step out in faith. He has been calling you for awhile, but you have not acted in faith. Let’s look at Levi for an example.

…as Jesus left town, He saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at his tax collector’s booth. ‘Follow me and be my disciple,’ Jesus said to him. So Levi got up, left everything and followed him.2

I believe Levi has heard about Jesus casting out a demon, healing many people, preaching the Good News, healing a man with leprosy and healing a man that was paralyzed. For this reaon, Levi acted in faith by getting up, and leaving everything and following Jesus. “So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.”3

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August 2013

Welcome! It’s hard to believe that thousands of people come to this little – humble website looking for something about my past. You find not only the bad news confessed, but the Good News of Jesus Christ professed loudly. “For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” 1

Amazon and Barnes & Noble

My e-books are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble for their minimum price of .99 cents, unlike on iTunes where they are free. Amazon will match the free iTunes price if you use the match price option.

Our desire is to offer books free of charge. Over a thousand books have been given out free on iTunes and even a greater number for free on Amazon. To His disciples, Jesus said, “…freely you have received, freely give.” 2

Will You Die For Me?

My first book, Will You Die For Me?, isn’t offered as an e-book yet, but you can read it in full for free on this website. It was written in a sensitive manner without causing more harm. The sole purpose is to share the truth of my past and the testimony of my conversion to Christ in 1975.

Read more …August 2013

July 2013

All of us have thought about certain views, whether spiritual, psychological, social or political. We live in a very opinionated world. Our views promise to fulfill our needs and become the basis of our belief system, emotional life and action plan. Sound views are very important for living an abundant life. In all his wisdom, Solomon declared “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”1

What View Is This?

I heard a professor teach recently, that our primary drive in life is towards survival and reproduction. He said that we are the highest form of the animal kingdom. He drew a picture of a horse to describe our sex drive, the five senses and the nature of the beast. His beliefs were absolute and sure to him.

He went on to teach how our self-esteem is to be based upon what our peers think of us and upon our successful quest for survival and reproduction. He said our friends would think negative of us at all times, so we need an individual in our lives, who will be a positive reinforcement. This person would help us make changes in our lives that would cause others to esteem us more highly. This way we’d take more pride in ourselves. To me, this was a lesson on how to become co-dependent.

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June 2013

Welcome! It is wonderful to know that you come to this website each month to check out what’s new. Remember, we are not be a product of our past circumstances. We choose to live a life and life more abundant in Christ Jesus, our Lord. 1

Our Identity: Spirit, Soul & Body

My latest eBook, Our Identity: Spirit, Soul & Body, isn’t all that new to me. For almost four decades I have continually reminded myself of who I am, what I have, and what I can do in Christ. By faith in God’s grace, I have been able to overcome my past, live in the now and see a glorious future and purpose for my life.2

This eBook has three parts: I wrote Part 1 in 2004. Part 2 was a work for three years in the early 80s, but I’ve taught Spirit, Soul & Body all over three years. Part 3 is a living testimony of how I’ve applied these teachings in my life. Altogether, along with 18 charts, it makes a presentation of our identity in Christ that I believe will be a blessing.

At the end of each chapter, you’ll find confessions of who you are, what you have, and what you can do. These are given so you can remind yourself of your covenant with God. As you do, you’ll be able to project these truths to others so their way will be illuminated as well.

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May 2013

Welcome! Let us continue this month by learning to declare who we are and the things we have in Christ Jesus. "And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ ."1

As God answers the above prayer, you will become more generous in your relationships as you understand and experience how generous God has been to you in Christ. For this to happen, your faith must increase by hearing and meditating on God's Word. 2

The A to Z Identity System . . .

This system is a useful tool to help us meditate, understand and experience your identity in Christ. I pray that you will pick up this simple technique to remind yourself of who you are in Christ. Let's stat with "A" saying:

  • I am accepted.
  • I am anointed.
  • I am the apple of God's eye.

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April 2013

Welcome! My goal is to effect the way people see God. I hope these monthly views and the rest of this website will help illuminate the revelation of Jesus Christ. My desire is to always have others feel loved and to help them understand God loves them.


It is always such a blessing to hear how God uses this website to touch lives with His love. Remember, “This is real love – not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” 1

Many people find my address on the Internet and write me personally. This is what my Christian brother, Matt, wrote:

“I grew up in a home where unhappiness was common. Love was seldom shown, nor was ‘I love you’ ever spoken. I grew up with a low self-esteem and became a driven individual who could not accept even the slightest amount of failure in my life.

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March 2013

Welcome! I thank God for your visit to this site, plus for your open-mindedness. You will be blessed as you read about God’s love, grace and forgiveness. Be sure to check out a couple of my e-books on iTunes Connect.

Christian Warfare in Prison…

In churches, inside and outside of prison, Satan uses different tools to bring down believers. One such tool is gossip whereby a person’s reputation is slandered without cause.

Inside of prison, and in countries where Christians are persecuted, the servants of Satan, either knowingly or unknowingly, can be used to come at believers in a more direct manner.

Last month a Christian inmate who is strong in his faith and the knowledge of God’s word, was washing clothes at a sink on the second floor of a prison cell block. He was approached by another inmate who asked, “ Do you read Jewish mysticism?” The Christian inmate stated he did not. [It was later determined that this man thought himself to be a “demon slayer”. Because the Christian had indicated he did not read such writings, it proved he was a demon.] The man decided to kill him.

Read more …March 2013

February 2013

Welcome. Let me ask you a question: “Can I have your permission to be loved, forgiven and healed?” I hear you say, “You don’t need my permission!” That’s exactly right. Yet millions are held captive under guilt and condemnation by others for past mistakes. When freedom is readily available, Jesus said, “…you will know the truth, at the truth will set you free.” 1

Permission To Be Loved...

Like myself at one time, you may find yourself under such tremendous guilt and condemnation from others, that you need to give yourself permission to be loved, forgiven, and healed by God.

Once you receive Gods love and forgiveness, “…there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” 2 Guilt and condemnation perpetuate the cycle of sin, whereas His grace, His blood, and His righteousness liberate and provide freedom from a sin consciousness.

Read more …February 2013

January 2013

Happy New Year! As Christians, our calling is to share God’s love through every available means. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” 1

iTunes Connect Books

For years, my books have been available for reading and printing on this website, but now, they are available to download FREE at Apple’s iTunes Connect.

Manson’s Right-Hand Man Speaks Out!
Christianity For Fools

You may download the iTunes application here. Again, the books are FREE!

Tell your friends! It is one thing to have them available, but promotion is the key for them to be read. I need your help to spread the word.

“And he [Jesus] told them, Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” 2

Read more …January 2013