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July 2013

All of us have thought about certain views, whether spiritual, psychological, social or political. We live in a very opinionated world. Our views promise to fulfill our needs and become the basis of our belief system, emotional life and action plan. Sound views are very important for living an abundant life. In all his wisdom, Solomon declared “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”1

What View Is This?

I heard a professor teach recently, that our primary drive in life is towards survival and reproduction. He said that we are the highest form of the animal kingdom. He drew a picture of a horse to describe our sex drive, the five senses and the nature of the beast. His beliefs were absolute and sure to him.

He went on to teach how our self-esteem is to be based upon what our peers think of us and upon our successful quest for survival and reproduction. He said our friends would think negative of us at all times, so we need an individual in our lives, who will be a positive reinforcement. This person would help us make changes in our lives that would cause others to esteem us more highly. This way we’d take more pride in ourselves. To me, this was a lesson on how to become co-dependent.

The professor’s view was somewhat similar to mine in the 60’s., which is still a very popular for many today. I was certainly into self-preservation, looking out for number one – self. I just had to be accepted by everyone, because my self-esteem was based on how well I performed in their eyes. When I lacked self-esteem, someone was always there to reinforce my ego needs, assuring me that I had no reason to not think highly of myself.

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.”2

What’s Your View?

We’re all free to have different views. The secret is to remain open for change, so we don’t get stuck in the mud, going nowhere, or in a rut following a leader in circles. But no matter how lost we become, a new belief system built upon the truth will rescue us. Again, Solomon declared:

“Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on tablets of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man.” 3

My core problem was simply pride, while brought forth greed, lust, anger, dishonesty, envy and laziness. I was separated from God because of a sinful nature. I was powerless over the effects of sin in my life. I eventually came to believe in the power of God to overcome sin, self and Satan by turning my will and life over to the LORD Jesus Christ. Thus was the beginning of a new belief system. Jesus said to Thomas,

“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”4

Jesus was sating, “I am the only Way for you to be right with God through being cleansed by My blood. I am the Truth that sets you free from sin and death through My resurrected Life, and I am the Life through the power of the Holy Spirit. He said the Biblical view is simply to, Come to Me, all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you. Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”5

Does Your View Bring Rest?

Often I hear from those who are filled with unrest in their souls. Most, simply reject to take Jesus at His word. Who said to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness for all things to be added to us. 6 Others are angry at me because to them, I must know more about the murderers in the 60’s. Instead of resting in the truth and living in the present, they choose to live in the 60’s. So much so, they form conceptual views and beliefs, then become fanatical, raising up groups, forming conspiracy theories and creating falsehoods through websites, Facebook pages and tweets.

Life is too precious to waste on views that are not sound. When you read my bookWill You Die For Me?, you’ll see how irresponsible I was with my views of life. If you read the book carefully, you’ll see that I’ve shared absolute truth and all the facts I know [as confirmed by THE TAPES released from the bankruptcy court]. In the 60’s, I made one bad choice after another. My friends tried to tell me that I needed help, but I was too prideful to listen. And true to the Proverb:

“Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.”7

You future is determined by your world views. Without a sound view of life, you open yourself up to all sorts of deceptions. I know, because I opened myself up to the thoughts and beliefs of a madman who promised utopia. Because of my wrong choices and the help of drugs, my views produced destructive emotions, murderous actions, sinful habits, defective character and hellish destiny – a bottomless pit. But no matter how far you’ve fallen there is always hope in God’s love.

“For everyone who calls upon the name of the LORD will be saved.” 8


Without a healthy dependence on God, you are prey to all sorts of parasites. The LORD provides rest through the regeneration of your spiritual core, the transformation of your soul [Greek: psyche, i.e. thoughts, choices and emotions] and the restoration of your social relationships and the mortal body. Would you pray with me, “LORD Jesus, I need rest. I surrender myself to your love. Do a new work in my heart so I can find rest in my soul in Jesus name. Amen.”

I called upon the name of the LORD almost 40 years ago, after I heard Him say, “Everyone who calls,” which included me. It includes you too! All you have to do is call. Faith rose up in my heart, and I was saved by God’s love and grace. The apostle Paul put it like this:

“For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness, ‘ has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.” 9

He went on to say,

“We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” 10

Good bye survival, reproduction, being an animal, the nature of the beast, barn-yard morals, self-esteem, approval seeking and pride in ourselves. I’ll take this treasure in Christ in me over the world any day. Jesus said to the crowd:

“If any of you want to be my followers you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me.”11

We must choose to act; the LORD does not violate anyone’s free will. By actively refusing or positively ignoring a relationship with God, we are choosing life without God’s help and hope. The choice is ours!

A Prayer For You…

I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, So that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. May you always be willed with the fruit of your salvation – the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ – for this will being much glory and praise to God. 12

Scripture References (NLT):

1 Pro. 23:7
2 Pro. 14:12; 16:25
3 Pro. 3:3,4
4 John 14:6
5 Matt. 11:28,29
6 Matt. 6:33
7 Pro. 16:18
8 Rom 10:13
9 2Cor 4:6
10 2Cor 4:7
11 Luke 9:23
12 Phil. 1:9-11